Join us

Our directory has been set up to help people who want gentler, more natural funeral flowers and we want to make it easy for them to find more sustainable, compostable funeral flowers that won’t hang around in the environment long after we’ve departed.

We want to change the world of funeral flowers, one arrangement at a time.

We’re the first UK-wide directory to showcase florists who offer compostable, plastic-free funeral flowers and we’d love you to join us in our mission to provide people with a more natural choice. Get found for the flowers that you love.

Got questions?

Get found with The Farewell Flowers Directory

£75.00 for a 12 month subscription. At just £6.25 per month, a listing with us is a better investment than your morning coffee!

We ask for 4 basic things…

1: You can provide compostable funeral flowers

Not sure about the difference between compostable and biodegradable? See our FAQS.

3: A website funeral flowers page that highlights compostable designs

A website page that includes information and images showcasing your beautiful compostable farewell flowers is essential as part of our campaign to get these flowers into public view. We use your website’s funeral flowers page as the link to your business from our directory.

Making your compostable funeral flowers visible and easy to identify is a key part of our mission to bring sustainable funeral flowers out of the shadows - we want to help people find better and more eco-friendly choices.

See our guidance for funeral flowers pages - always consider what information will help your customers to find what they are looking for.

2: Transparency about where your flowers come from

As a business, you make your own decisions about flower sourcing but we ask that you are open and honest with customers about your flower sourcing policy. We also ask that you include some British grown flowers in all your compostable funeral flower arrangements - the quantity is up to you, but the more you use, the more sustainable your arrangements will be.

If you’d like help in explaining your flower sourcing policies to customers, you can borrow and adapt phrases and words that we provide in our guidance to explaining your flower sourcing.

Find sample explanations here.

4: Some UK grown ingredients in every compostable arrangement

This can be some (or lots of) flowers/foliage from a garden you have access to - for a keen gardener’s funeral could you explore the garden of the family you’re working with?

UK grown flowers and foliage can be sourced from local flower farms during the growing season or from wholesalers year round. You’re the one who chooses how much to use and it’s up to you if you also use imported flowers. For more information about sourcing UK grown materials, see our FAQs. The more UK grown flowers you include, the more environmentally friendly your funeral flowers will be.

Why join our directory?

Get found, get known

The Farewell Flowers Directory is here to make a noise about compostable, plastic-free funeral flowers, and we’re always working hard behind the scenes to get this message out. The more florists we have on our directory, the louder our collective voice.

Our directory listings and PR efforts are optimised to get funeral flowers into the spotlight and to get them found by the media and public alike. Get noticed locally for better, more planet-friendly choices by joining our directory which aims to have a big voice.

Get a digital copy of the The Farewell Flowers Directory badge to add to your website, and show that you’re part of this more sustainable change in funeral flowers.

Direct link to your website

Having links to your own website from a specialist site like The Farewell Flowers Directory is good for your own site’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). If every florist who’s listed also links back to The Farewell Flowers Directory website, this really helps to increase our own search rankings too. You can help us with our work to get funeral flowers out of the shadows.

Because we focus ONLY on funeral flowers (and talk about them A LOT!), search bots will ‘see’ us for them and our site aims to rank well (it will not be instant on our launch as it takes a while for bots to discover us and for the site’s authority to get established)

Our Find Flower listings feature a direct link to your website’s funeral page and help to drive traffic and customers your way with a single, simple, click. It makes it easy for people to find your funeral flowers.

We’re a new directory and launched to the public on 1st May 2024.

Raise your profile for funeral flowers

By setting up a dedicated funeral flowers page on your website as part of the requirement for joining The Farewell Flowers Directory, you’re already making it easier for both people and internet search engines to find your funeral flowers. In our welcome pack, we offer practical tips on how to set up a funeral page on your website if you’re not sure how to do this. See our advice about the kind of information to include here (though you’re free to do it your way too!)

As a member of The Farewell Flowers Directory, you can further raise your profile by sharing images of your flowers on our funeral flowers gallery pages, and blogposts about your work and the stories behind your flowers. Appear on our florist profiles on our home page too!

By embracing the spirit and following the requirements of our directory, you’re showing you care about the planet and are taking steps to improve your sustainability. Our badge means nothing without this commitment to change.

What florists say

Be part of the change

The past decade has seen a demand for increasingly personalised funerals, and we want to make it easy for people to find a gentler alternative to traditional foam based floral tributes. We want to shift public perceptions of what ‘funeral flowers’ are or might be.

We’re taking funeral flowers to events around the UK and we’ll also provide you with a customisable PR template to get stories out about your funeral flowers to local media.

Be part of our movement to bring more sustainable funeral flowers into the spotlight and increase your reach to local customers.